Friday, January 8, 2010

Barbaric and Childish government of Malaysia

NO Cow head protest and Church Torching

The current BN government is going to be six feet under the ground soon. Or I just hope it will. I wonder whether anyone would ever be surprise when this happen in the near future. By the rate the current government is running, I’ll probably put my bet that it is heading towards its own destruction. The PM is a child born with silver spoon and had many skeletons hidden and probably stuffed to the max inside his cupboard, judging by the amount of scandals that he is involved in. From the case of the Mongolian woman’s name that bloggers cannot mention or you will be regarded as a national threat by the government, to all the corruption allegation regarding the Defense Ministry’s handling of lobbying to buy jet fighter, first national space ‘tourist’, and latest RM100 million worth of two jet engines that were sanctioned by US as equipment that were supposed to be taken care of, was being stolen and sold to South Africa, and the flip flop on economics.

Now let us recap on the scandal regarding this disgraceful and disgusting PM. I was rather shocked to know that the Police escort for the former DPM was involved in the Mongolian model’s murder case. It was a case of a sacrificial lamb to begin with. The two police officers were sentenced guilty while the political analyst was freed. Although the police officers were sentenced (technically as in paper they are dead and most probably started a new life overseas with new identity with never to return order) as their face were never reviewed to the public and their dead faces were never shown at all.

As all conspiracy theories suggest that the officer’s identity may be dead with innocent illegal immigrant from Indonesia was used to carry out the sentence. The question was, logically, there is no reason for the officer to kill a foreigner with no motive except an order from their superior who most probably is the DPM at the time. More over the fashion of how the innocent victim was blasted with C4 bombs into gazillion pieces like dust was done probably because the dead body still contains DNA of the murderer.

The only way to make DNA sample of murderer impossible to find is to blast it into pieces. This story did not end here; there is another part where the victim who is fluent in Russian maybe involved in the lobbying of the fighter jet of the Defense Ministry. How money was spent on such lobbyist remains unknown. It is a question of what animal would murder a person and blast the corpse into pieces. I guess although the court has made its decision we must remember that justice does not exist especially in Malaysian court.

There were the judges buying scandals and others that I do not want to delve into which is describe as a normal practice by a minister. Another question is where on Earth can you buy a C4 bomb and use it to blast people. If the Defense ministry were to come up with a report that the bombs were stolen and being used in the black market, I seriously doubt what the defense ministry is doing. Am I even safe to walk on the street? The answer is definitely a big NO.
Another is regarding the defense ministry contract to buy new fighter jet where it is a normal scene in Malaysia to find that the jet ended falling down like one those Vietnam War movies where planes just fall from sky as if there is no science behind the design of it. Another issue is regarding the responsibility of the minister who was in-charge during the so called lost jet engines which is reportedly to cost some RM50M each. According to the PM he is open about the case. Then Malaysian will demand him to openly declare that he resign as PM and from any ministerial position in order to take full responsibility of the so called lost engines and other yet to be announce lost items from the defense ministry. I wonder if the C4 bomb will be included as part of the lost item since anyone may just drop by the Defense Ministry of Malaysia and pick any toy that they want. The Defense ministry of Malaysia must have been opening its door too much that any gadget is open for the public to take and use. I’ll not be surprise if any of them found in any soon to be world war by any rogue nation as identified by the US government. No wonder why Malaysia has so many terrorist citizens since the Defense Ministry has been supplying them FOC for training I guess. If the PM has no solution to the problem, I OPENLY demand him to resign.

In addition, as the world is facing the worst global recession since the Great Depression, I wonder if the PM has any plan to solve the issue. It seems that the PM as an economic graduate has no grasp in economic after all. According to him, there is no difference between a 6% annual GDP and 9%annual GDP. Then, my question is does he even realize the big gap between the difference in the level of development of Malaysia and Singapore? Both sound similar? I beg to differ sir. FYI Malaysia will not achieve the so called develop nation status by 2020 as we have such good finance minister in the PM whom has no understanding of economic at all to spearhead the country’s economy. What is the strategy to be a develop nation? Until today there has not been a single blue print about it. Moreover, the so called blueprint will be postponed until next year. Well, Vision 2020 can be post-poned until 2050 I guess. Since we have such undecided, spendthrift and corrupted government with all sort of leakages in their economic plan. The current huge budget deficit that the PM plans will incur a big hole in the pocket of the future generation. For once, I do not understand why there is a need for the government to pay more than 10 times the actual cost of building a toll road by paying a yearly premium to subsidize such toll road. Concessionaire were given long term to milk money out the poor citizen each time they use it. In addition, the contract allows them to increase the toll rate every few years. Why not the government just built it on its own?

Another point that I have been telling everyone is the Malaysian government is going broke each day. Since Petronas’ earning for the year 2009 has halved from the 2008, the BN government has no source of income to fund its budget. Hence, the PM resorted to introduce new taxes and selling down its share of GLC. It is a no brainer thing to come to such conclusion. If you have a lot of financial commitment that you could not afford, definitely you will resort to selling your property to raise money to service it. As such, the government will be resorting to the same tactic. It the right of every Malaysian to get an audit and account on how the money raised from the sale of the GLC shares are being used by the government.

The call by Penang Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng to the federal government to have open tender for all its projects is one to start with. Also there should be a new constitution that is amended that allows the people to reject any project by the government through national referendum as used by most western countries where a national vote of referendum can be held with more than a million people signing the petition. The first project I’ll propose for national referendum is the building of a convention center by the Naza group in a land swap agreement. It is illogical to proceed with it as it is an utter waste of public fund.

Instead nationalizing the public transport and integrating the whole country’s public transport should be done. The state of Malaysia’s public transport is a disgrace and heartbreaking. It is unbelievable that there is no integrated electronic card paying system that can be used in all public transport like in Singapore and the price of public transport is also expensive as it is not efficient. Hence more people prefer to drive on their own. If Singapore can do it why not Malaysia?

Another suggestion is that all the money the government gained through the GLC share liquidation should be used to fund the SMEs and new entrepreneur instead. By doing so, the government will be able to sow many seed of potential business making by the private sector. This is logical as there are many talented Malaysian out there with creative ideas. The money must be disbursed out not based on race or anything but only meritocracy principal of the best potential projects.

Latest scandal is the involvement of the government in trying to gain political mileage by fanning Malay-Islam fanaticism by supporting Muslim to protest the Allah ruling. The result is two Churches being torched and another failed attempt at a Catholic Church in the capital city. The government is practicing double standard in not arresting any Muslim involved in the protest. Generally any UMNO supported and organized protest that is illegal is given a pass and others will face police arrest. From Bersih to Hindraf rally, and the candle light vigil in 2009 saw the police going hard against the peaceful protester by provoking them with water canons and chemical like tear gasses. Meanwhile, Cow head protest, Allah court ruling and now Church torching will be given a pass by the police. Next, I predict is Buddhist temple torching, Sikh temple and others soon to come. If a mosque were to be torched, the whole non-muslim population will be sentenced to death is the only verdict I can think of. Since Malays and Muslim are the invincible or rather UMNO is greater than Allah. They will prosecute anyone they don’t like. Until today there is none Christian minister dare to challenge Najib and his idiosyncrasies. I really wonder what is their stand against Church torching? It is a known fact that the government does not give money to build any house of worship except mosque. Now, they want to even destroy churches and Hindu temples build from the believers own pocket?

If PAS an Islamic party can come to term that Christianity and Judaism with Islam is part of Abrahamic faith is allowed to use the term Allah, what is the justification UMNO is giving? UMNO > ALLAH is the only one I can think of right now.

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